WWE Raw Open Discussion Thread 10/15/12: The Three-Man Band, Baybayyy

Tonight in the WWE Raw Open Discussion Thread:

Last week’s Raw ended in a brutal showdown between Mr. McMahon and WWE Champion CM Punk. The WWE Universe is still buzzing about the epic encounter! Now that The Chairman has demanded Punk choose his Hell in a Cell opponent on tonight’s Raw, what will unfold? Here are five reasons Raw is must-see tonight at 8/7 CT on USA Network. (via WWE.com)

1. “The Band” (Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre) need to add a drummer, so I’m hoping it doesn’t turn out to be Mason Ryan and ruin my whole space opera fan fiction thing. Keeping my fingers crossed for Brodus Clay, so The Band can also add back-up dancers.

2. Rhodes Scholars vs. Sinsterio will face off in the finals of the WWE Tag Team Championship number one contenders tournament. This should take up the entire second hour of the show, assuming real life works exactly like my dreams.

3. CM Punk must choose his opponent for Hell In A Cell. His choice will be “that guy I punched in the crowd last week,” because according to the Internet, that was a work.

4. Kofi Kingston notices Daniel Bryan wearing a pink sweatband and finally becomes aware of Breast Cancer, then spends three hours wandering around backstage telling people about it.

5. John Cena tell us what he thinks about young stars such as Justin Gabriel (“gay”), Seth Rollins (“smells like a llama’s dingleberries”), Kaitlyn (“fell out of the Hee Haw tree and hit every branch on the way down!”) and Tyson Kidd (“extended fart sounds”).

Remember, my 10 favorite comments from tonight’s WWE Raw open discussion thread will be featured in tomorrow’s Best And Worst Of WWE Raw column. To nominate a comment for top 10 status, please reply to it with a +1.

Enjoy the show, friends.