Dez Bryant Called Someone A ‘Fat Girl’ On Twitter, Should Probably Get Better Insults

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As perhaps the best player on one of the most visible franchises in the NFL and an avid Twitter user, Dez Bryant gets a lot of compliments. We know this because Dez likes to let us know — his timeline is filled with compliments that he’s re-tweeted. But he has to get his fair share of insults too, right? The Dallas Cowboys may be “America’s Team,” but far more people dislike them than root for him. That’s what makes it so surprising that Dez went after a Twitter user who accused him of being “corny” (burn) by calling her fat. That’s mean, Dez! And not creative at all.

After user ATribe Called Breast (excellent Twitter name, by the way) threw down the other, other c-word — without even mentioning Bryant directly, by the way — Dez was within his Twitter rights to make a comeback at her (we do love athletes clowning on trolls here). But calling someone fat is not clever, and it’s never called for. And was that a threat, too? Just because it’s punctuated by a “lol” doesn’t make it any less dark when a powerful athlete threatens a woman. ATribe was incredulous herself:

The reason we’re viewing this through Bryant’s own re-tweets is that his target has made her account private, which is probably a wise move. Regardless of who’s in the wrong, one side of this exchange has millions of fans, and the other side doesn’t, so ATribe was probably either already being harrassed or was anticipating it. What is surprising is that Dez hasn’t deleted those tweets (yet). It’s not a good look for him, and I’m sure someone will tell him that before long.