National Abortion Funds You Can Donate To Right Now (With Their Charity Navigator Scores)

As of Friday, June 24, I — along with every other menstruating person in America — no longer have federally protected rights to my own body. The Supreme Court has officially voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, which has protected citizens’ constitutional right to an abortion for the past 50 years. Now, women in about half of the US states will no longer have access to safe, legal abortions, and they may have to go to incredible lengths just to take control of their reproductive organs. The Handmade’s Tale references have become so on the nose that they’re beyond cliche.

But despite the anger and confusion that we feel toward the Supreme Court‘s decision, there is still hope moving forward. The best thing we can do is take action, whether that means attending protests, spreading awareness, organizing, voting our asses off, and/or donating to organizations that are fighting to keep abortions safe and accessible in every state. In fact, donating to trusted abortion funds and support groups is one of the best things you can do right now. Below, we’ve compiled a list of several national abortion funds and listed their scores on Charity Navigator.*

*A score of 75 or above indicates a passing level of efficacy, endurance (the non-profit is likely to last), and financial health.

National Abortion Federation

The mission of the National Abortion Federation is to unite, represent, serve, and support abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care. This organization provides direct service to patients who need help accessing abortion care through a toll-free, multi-lingual hotline for abortion referrals and financial assistance. Every dollar donated to the patient assistance funds goes directly to helping patients access the abortion care they need — including procedure costs, travel-related expenses, translation services, child care, and more.

Charity Navigator Score: 95.32

Keep Our Clinics

The Keep Our Clinics campaign is the Abortion Care Network’s latest effort to protect access to care and support independent clinics across the country. It’s a fundraising campaign for independent abortion clinics across the US. Your donation helps independent clinics keep their doors open so they can provide abortion care, and your funds go to making necessary security improvements, replacing and updating medical equipment, covering legal costs to maintain compliance with politically-motivated regulations, clinic building maintenance, and repair, and more.

Charity Navigator Score: 100

Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project

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Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project (WRRAP) is the largest national, independent, nonprofit abortion fund. it helps bridge the financial gap for women who seek an abortion or emergency contraceptives by providing funds directly to pre-screened, pre-qualified health clinics and doctors across the nation. The organization’s telephone hotline operates five days a week and works directly with over 700 clinics, hospitals, and doctors.

Charity Navigator Score: 87

The Brigid Alliance

The Brigid Alliance books, coordinates, and pays for travel and other expenses associated with abortion, serving as a trusted point of contact for every step of the journey. The organization does this through direct support and in collaboration with its network of partners. It’s a referral-based service that provides people seeking abortions with travel, food, lodging, child care, and other logistical support. The Brigid Alliance prioritizes clients beyond 15 weeks of pregnancy for whom it’s generally more expensive and harder to find a provider near home.

Charity Navigator Score: 100

National Black Women’s Reproductive Agenda

The National Black Women’s Reproductive Agenda is a national and state partnership designed to amplify and lift up the voices of Black women leaders at the national and state levels in an ongoing fight to secure reproductive justice for all women and girls. It partners with eight Black women’s Reproductive Justice organizations to educate and mobilize Black women, femmes, and girls on issues such as abortion access, contraceptive equity, and comprehensive sexuality education.

Charity Navigator Score: 100

Center for Reproductive Rights

The Center for Reproductive Rights is a global human rights organization (across five continents) of lawyers and advocates who ensure reproductive rights are protected in law as fundamental human rights for the dignity, equality, health, and well-being of every person. The organization uses litigation, legal policy, and advocacy work to transform how reproductive rights are understood by courts, governments, and human rights bodies.

Charity Navigator Score: 90.28

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is on a mission to ensure all people have access to the care and resources they need to make informed decisions about their bodies, their lives, and their futures. As a leader in sexual and reproductive services, the organization serves the diverse needs of local communities through a national network of more than 600 health centers across the US.

Charity Navigator Score: 90.05

NARAL Pro-Choice America

NARAL Pro-Choice America is a rally organization that mobilizes to protect freedom and fight for access to abortion care, birth control, paid parental leave, and protection from pregnancy discrimination. It works to educate citizens, lawmakers, and other influencers about the dangerous effects of anti-choice policies and the threat of anti-choice misinformation, and its member-driven campaigns have propelled political and cultural change at every level.

Charity Navigator Score: 91.45