Lin On What Sets Kobe Apart From Other Big-Name Stars: “How Hard He Works…”

New Los Angeles Laker backup point guard Jeremy Lin has played with Carmelo Anthony in New York and James Harden in Houston. That’s why when the Orange County Register‘s Bill Oram asked him what sets Kobe Bryant apart from other superstars, the newest Laker was in a unique position to provide a pretty definitive answer.

We don’t think Lin meant his comment to Oram below as a slight against ‘Melo or The Beard, but Kobe’s work ethic is well known, said by Phil Jackson to even exceed His Airness, Michael Jordan.

When you’re on the same team as Kobe, as Lin is now, you see first-hand what going “beyond” Michael Jordan looks like up close.

We’ve come a long way since privately griping to friends that Kobe is overrated when we were younger (we’re of the MJ generation). But he’s one of the best ever, a sure-fire Hall of Famer when he decides to retire and one of the 10 best players of all time. You only get to that point by busting your butt to improve. Kobe had some a pretty unique physical gifts when he came out of Lower Merion High School in 1996, but it’s his sociopathic drive to always get better that’s made him one of the best ever.

It might be a little late for the 30-year-old ‘Melo to reach the elite tier Kobe is at now, but Harden — who turned 25 in August — has some time. Whether he reaches the rarified air Kobe inhabits now is up to how hard he works, and fate. Even if Harden works his ass off for the rest of his career, it’s no guarantee he’ll win multiple titles, which is what he’ll have to do if he ever wants to be uttered in the same breath as the all-time greats.

Do you agree with Lin?

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