Nobody Puts The Magic’s “Big Baby” Glen Davis In A Corner

While recuperating from a foot injury, Magic power forward Glen Davis must be going stir crazy after the Magic began their 2013-14 season without him. How else to explain his bizarre overreaction when he was told there were no rooms left at a Florida motel.

According to those bastions of journalistic integrity, TMZ, the incident at a Florida motel happened Saturday morning this past weekend after Davis’ Magic lost to his former team, the Celtics.

At the Travelodge in Orlando, Davis tried to book a room with the front desk, but was informed the motel was sold out. Davis, perhaps upset after his Magic lost to his former team, reached across the front desk and grabbed the keyboard. He ripped the keyboard from where it was attached to the front desk’s computer and flung it across the lobby.

Then — still agitated — Davis stomped out of the motel.

The employee involved called the police, and two officers quickly arrived. No arrests were made.

TMZ is reporting that the Magic have called and offered to pay the cost of the damage Big Baby incurred, and the gossip rag believes the team has already cut a check.

After the report surfaced on TMZ, Davis took to Twitter to try and apologize.



We hope whatever instigated the blowup has been resolved, and Davis can join his Magic teammates before the month is up.

“Nobody puts” the Magic’s Big “Baby in the corner.”

[gif via BTB; TMZ]

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