‘Arrow’ Casts A Howling Commando As Damien Darhk For Season Four

No, we didn’t misspell “Dark.” Damien Darhk is an actual character, and mentioned last season on Arrow. Turns out, he’ll be a series regular and played by Dum Dum Dugan himself, Neal McDonough.

McDonough, in addition to running around in a bowler, has been in pretty much everything from Justified to Desperate Housewives. This go-round, he’ll be playing the big bad on Arrow, whom Ra’s Al Ghul wanted a piece of last season. Interestingly, Darhk has connections to HIVE, in the comics, and in Arrow, HIVE killed Diggle’s brother. Which Diggle has more or less forgotten about for three seasons, so we’re hoping they’ll explain his renewed interest in justice.

By the way, when Stephen Amell was asked to sum up season four’s premiere in three words, these are the three he chose:

One assumes that Thea will somehow either stir up the HIVE or just generally stumble into danger, and Ollie will cut his rather lengthy vacation short to save her. We just hope, this time around, that HIVE doesn’t trigger a riot and/or try to destroy Starling City with a superweapon because, come on, it’s already stretching credibility anybody still lives there. Maybe it’s the cheap real estate?

(via TVLine)