‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Director George Miller Says ‘There’s More To Come’ With Mad Max

Both Vince and Mike loved Mad Max: Fury Road, and Tom Hardy apologized to director George Miller for ever doubting him, so you may be pumped to hear that Miller has already turned in two ideas to Warner (in addition to the Furiosa story he already wrote and originally planned to make as an anime).

Miller spoke briefly about the two stories with Josh Horowitz 31 minutes into Wolfpop’s “Happy Sad Confused” podcast. One story occurs over the course of a year and the other over several years. (For comparison, Mad Max: Fury Road takes place over three days.) He also hinted at more sequels on Twitter:


Much of what he said on “Happy Sad Confused” reminded me of Mike’s interview with the director, but there was some new information to be found. He spoke about Fury Road starting out as an illustrated screenplay with 3,100 storyboards, and he’s open to the idea of someone else directing one of his Mad Max films.

Interestingly, he also touched on why the Justice League movie he was planning to film never came to be. As he explains it, getting the movie funded required a rebate from the Australian government, thanks to newly-passed legislation, but no one seemed to be sure if a movie filmed in Australia also had to be about Australians to qualify for the rebate, so they turned him down four votes to three votes. It turned out the movie should have qualified; later on, other films received the rebate without needing Australian content. So, you can thank a committee of seven confused people trying to interpret a new law for there being no Justice League movie from George Miller.

He also offhandedly mentioned that Tom Hardy is still talking about playing Elton John in a biopic. We’d forgot all about that, amazingly.

It’s worth noting that Miller also told the Daily Beast that Hardy is “signed on for three more films.” We hope at least one of those movies is all about the Doof Warrior.

(Via Wolfpop, Twitter, and the Daily Beast)