Stop The Madness: Ice T’s Wife Coco Takes Suggestive Pictures With Another Man

Woke up to people in a panic about some pics,please guys I’m happily married,sometimes fans & friends take silly pics.Its harmless. #RELAX. Ice is right,the pics I took with this man were in poor taste & I disrespected my husband however the pics were the only thing that happened. I feel so sad,the bottom line is I love Ice & I can understand why he’s upset theres no excuse for my actions.I’m so sorry baby & to everyone.

How would you react to your wife taking pictures like this with another man? If a guy is making a, ‘kissy,’ face with a woman in a picture he is trying to make her his baby mother. What makes it worst is honry look in Coco eyes. Plus he had the, ‘You Mad,’ picutre at the top right. How should Ice T deal with this? Check ice T’s tweets about this below.

via MediaTakeOut