These Photos From The Oregon Eclipse Festival Capture All The Beauty, Bodies, And Dust

There’s no two ways about it, you’re either a “festival person” or you’re not. The answer can usually be found by pouring over photos. Because these pictures are as cleaned up, polished, and curated as festival life gets. Sure, the massive Oregon Eclipse 2017 gathering looked this idyllic in person too… at times. But there were also plenty of non-photo worthy moments — dominated by fatigue, sore feet, and endless dust.

So it goes with life: It can’t all be shockingly fit hippies twirling in the half light of the sun’s corona. Beauty must always be punctuated with struggle, otherwise it grows boring.

Still, for us at Uproxx Life, these photos capture the overarching sense of community that came to define our experience. They act as a call to action, a whisper from the universe, urging us to cast off the bowlines and keep exploring. The dancing, the community, the art — we’re for it. Even when our feet blister; even when our throats are parched.

The photos below will help you suss out whether or not you’re a “festival person.” Either you see the smiles, skin, and sunbursts and say, “I’m not missing the next one” or you mock the dusty hippies, the thumping music, and mega-watt lasers.

Whatever your take, you have to admit: These photos tell a story…
