Screw Your New Year’s Resolutions, Eat This In-N-Out Burger Pie Instead

When you ask most people what their New Year’s resolutions are, undoubtedly the most popular answers are along the lines of “lose weight,” “eat healthy, “exercise more,” et cetera, et cetera. Well the hell with that. My New Year’s resolution is to make and eat the monster in this video, compliments of the mad geniuses over at FoodBeast.

The In-N-Out Pie, as it’s no-bullcrappingly called, is constructed using pie crust, special sauce, cheese, french fries, more french fries, and — of course, the piece de resistance — three In-N-Out 4X4 burgers, a menu hack made with four burgers and four slices of cheese. Of course, if you don’t live on the West coast you could probably improvise well enough with Five Guys or Shake Shack. (But of course it won’t be quite the same.)

Burger Pie. Put it in your face. 2016!

(Via Tastefully Offensive)