Fans Were So Stoked For Apple’s iPhone 7 Announcement That Even Adult Video Traffic Plummented

Apple Holds Press Event To Introduce New iPhone
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On Wednesday, at 1 p.m. eastern time, Apple users across the country and even around the globe held their breath as they tuned into the tech company’s yearly keynote address, in which all would be revealed about the highly anticipated iPhone 7. (Spoiler alert: reactions were, uh, shall we say “mixed.”) People stopped what they were doing to watch the announcement, whether they were working, sleeping, playing video games, surfing Facebook, and yes — even fapping.

Pornhub reported a nearly 10 percent drop in traffic on Apple devices during the keynote, which just goes to show that it turns out there are more important things in life than masturbating.

Apple iPhones and iPads account for over 35% of Pornhub’s 60 million daily visitors. Because the live show was only available on Apple devices, we found that worldwide traffic from iOS dropped as much as 9.5% during the show. Excitement over Apple’s shiny new ebony jet black handheld may also explain the increase over normal traffic in the hours immediately following the show.

This handy chart illustrates both the traffic drop and ensuing spike after the announcement was over:

Likewise, they also found a traffic drop from Safari web traffic during the event, which was also paired with a sharp spike afterward:

The team over at Pornhub notes that they are excited for the new iPhones to hit the market, because “faster loading, sharper screens and longer battery life can only mean a better Pornhub experience for everyone!” I can’t say for sure what Steve Jobs’ dying wish was, but I’d like to think that was it.

(Via PornHub, CNET)