Fighter Madeleine Vall Has A ‘Wonder Woman’ Role That May Hint At The Movie’s Plot

Wonder Woman may have recently wrapped up filming, but we’re still in the dark about certain aspects of the film. Sure, we know the movie is primarily set during World War I and that Diana Prince’s romance with Steve Trevor will likely be central, but what’s the movie’s main conflict? Who are the villains?

Well, a recent casting announcement just may shed some light. Swedish pro Muay Thai fighter Madeleine Vall recently announced on Instagram that she’ll be playing an Amazon named Egeria.

In English: “Maddie Vall has just come home after filming Wonder Woman in which she plays a small role as an Amazon warrior ‘Egeria.’ DC Comics superhero Wonder Woman, produced by Warner Bros. to a budget of 150 million dollars, goes up on the big screen in June 2017.”

The fact that Vall is playing Egeria is significant because she was a minor character in the comics, but one who played a very specific role. During the classic George Perez Wonder Woman run, Egeria was the Captain of the Amazonian Guard, who ended up sacrificing herself to seal a crack to the Underworld. Could the use of such an otherwise obscure character be a hint that Hades himself could be the villain of Wonder Woman? If so, that weird devilish creature from that one Batman v Superman deleted scene may make more sense now.

What do you think? Who would you like to see Wonder Woman take her sword and lasso to? Wonder Woman hits theaters June 2, 2017.

(Via Screen Rant)