Chris Pratt’s Labor Day Weekend Included This Touching Tribute To Fatherly Tasks

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The family guy known to the general public as Chris Pratt marked Labor Day in a reflective manner. Pratt often celebrates holidays online, which is a nice nod to his followers and a way to pay tribute to those close to his heart. Of course, Pratt often teases the heck out of his family, especially when it comes to pseudo-shaming his son’s failed potty training efforts (alongside equally mischievous wife Anna Faris). He grows somber, however, when it matters most. Pratt recently celebrated Memorial Day with an awe-inspiring video of his son learning the Pledge of Allegiance.

Now for Labor Day, Pratt style. The man enjoys spending his holiday downtime in hunting and fishing mode, so he took to Twitter to describe the essential tasks of fatherhood.

The Pratt doesn’t fall far from the Pratt tree. During last year’s run up to Jurassic World, Pratt spoke at length with GQ about how much he loves to hunt and fish. He is “definitely pro-hunter, but elephant is something I would never shoot,” yet Pratt isn’t opposed to going after other game animals and would “like to hunt in Africa.” He never weighed in on the Cecil the Lion controversy, but when he’s close to home, Pratt prefers to hunt varmint. He told GQ all about his hobby of frequenting varmint farms where he shoots up coyote. He also enjoys skinning them and scrubbing the skins with his own urine. Well, that’s an interesting hobby for a Hollywood A-lister, but I guess we all enjoy our downtime in different ways.

(Via Chris Pratt on Twitter & GQ)