First Footage From ‘Terminator: Genisys’ Teases Tomorrow’s Trailer

Teasers for trailers really shouldn’t be a thing. Especially when the trailer is coming out tomorrow. Nonetheless, Terminator: Genisys has gone that route, and there are a few bits that should get your attention.

It’s just sixteen seconds, but it’s surprisingly meaty. We see a T-1000 surfing the hood of a car, the Earth being blown to hell in a nuclear war, what appears to be a time machine in action, and Ahnuld himself looking at his robot hand. As for who that T-1000 might be… excellent question! No idea.

We admit we’re somewhat skeptical of this movie, but at the very least it looks like it’s hitting all the right notes for nostalgia. We’ll see just how well it plays the whole song come July 1st.