‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Is Now Shooting More Scenes With Hugh Jackman

Before anyone kvetches that the headline is a spoiler, let’s point out Bryan Singer already said on stage during San Diego Comic-Con that Hugh Jackman would probably be seen in X-Men: Apocalypse, and a month earlier, a leather shop in Brooklyn spoiled the cameo when they posted a sketch of a backpack they custom-made for Jackman to use on set in Montreal. So, Jackman’s presence on set isn’t a secret. We just don’t know the extent of his character’s involvement because he’s rumored to not be one of the Four Horsemen in this version of the story. Reportedly, the Four Horsemen in this version are Magneto (Michael Fassbender), Storm (Alexandra Shipp), Archangel (Ben Hardy), and Psylocke (Olivia Munn).

One thing we do know, however, is that Le Journal de Montréal (via Comic Book) reports X-Men: Apocalypse is returning to Mel’s Studio in Montreal for some reshoots, and “Hugh Jackman will be on hand” for something. Being that it’s Canada, I’m hoping it’s a scene where Wolverine bumps into a moose in a Tim Horton’s and tells it to “f*ck off,” but the moose doesn’t understand. Not because it’s a moose, but because he’s a Quebecer moose and refuses to learn English.

(Via Comic Book)