New ‘Into The Woods’ Footage Is Here And It Has Singing!

Disney has finally given us what we want to hear, literally. After gifting us with the first look at Johnny Depp’s Big Bad Wolf and the rest of its A-list cast in their storybook garb on the cover of Entertainment Weekly, the studio has released a new Into The Woods featurette and it’s pretty magical.

The musical fare, which is set to hit theaters in a couple of months sports a Hollywood heavy cast, but unlike previous teasers and trailers released by the film, this one actually has them showing off their vocal chops. The latest video  also has some interviews with the actors, new clips including what looks to be the beginnings of a steamy make-out session between Chris Pine and Emily Blunt and it expands more on the musical side of the story.

Oh, there’s also Meryl Streep singing. Enough said.