Paul Bettany Responds To Jason Statham’s Marvel Criticism By Saying He Should Get ‘An Acting Double’

It’s been a few months since Jason Statham shot down the rumors that he might be joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, giving his grandmother quite the confidence boost in the process. Well now someone from the Marvel side has gotten a chance to publicly respond to Statham, and Paul Bettany hits pretty hard in response to the superhero criticism. You almost have to feel for Statham’s poor grandma after this.

During his sit down with Conan, the topic of Statham is brought up and Bettany doesn’t really hesitate with his response. He’s confused why anybody would complain because it’s “a round world.” He then gives praise to the action portion of Statham’s career, but drops some fire on his acting ability:

“Potentially he should, maybe, think about investing in, like, an acting double…If there’s a really, really tricky scene, with some very tricky dialogue. One might consider bringing in an acting double for Jason Statham.”

He then says he doesn’t want to be beaten up, but it might be too late for that since I’m pretty sure I saw Statham charging up with a car battery earlier today. Or that might’ve been on my TV, it all blurs together. The interview ends with Andy Richter landing the perfect line, of course, bringing it all back to Statham’s grandma. A dear woman who no one is saying anything negative about, at all.

(Via Team Coco)