The Best (And Worst) Twitter Reactions To The ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Trailer

The first trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story arrived early this morning, and we’ve already followed up with a thorough breakdown of it. We’ll continue to pick apart every detail today, because it’s Star Wars and that’s how we do.

But we weren’t the only ones obsessing over Felicity Jones’ lead character, Ben Mendelsohn’s snazzy cape collection, or Genevieve O’Reilly reprising the role of Mon Mothma. Twitter was all in on this slice of nostalgia about stealing the plans to the Death Star an even longer time ago in a galaxy far far away.

Internet’s got jokes.


But somebody had to be that guy, who seems to be forgetting there’s a young Han Solo spin-off coming soon, and there are a ton of male characters throughout all of these movies.


And then there are the fan theories, because everybody has to be related to somebody in this hillbilly galaxy.


Others were cautiously awaiting an endorsement from Neil deGrasse Tyson.


And some were too reckless for their own good.

Many Bothans died that day, arguing about how it’s actually about ethics in Death Star plan thievery.

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