The Russo Brothers Are Producing A Doc Series About The Rivalry Between Marvel And DC

Fans of Marvel and fans of DC are currently at loggerheads, engaged in heated battle over which comic (and comic movie) line is superior. (Of course, which one’s owners launched its own streaming service first?) But that’s the same as it ever was. As the two biggest names in comics, the brands have always been rivals. And that rivalry is juicy enough that it’s getting its own small screen treatment: As per The Hollywood Reporter, a doc series about them is coming to the forthcoming short-form streaming service Quibi, by way of no less than Anthony and Joe Russo.

Of course, the Russo Brothers are Marvel boys, having started at the brand with Captain America: The Winter Soldier and taken over the Avengers line starting with Infinity War and, most recently, with Endgame. (They also made You, Me and Dupree, which earned foes bigger than any DC fan: Donald Fagen and the late Walter Becker, of Steely Dan.) Does that mean they’ll lean more in Marvel’s favor? Probably not — given their films, they’re clearly good at juggling tons of characters and even perspectives at a time.

The series, entitled Slugfest, is inspired by Reed Tucker’s 2017 book Slugfest: Inside the Epic, 50-Year Battle Between Marvel and DC. It will trace the genesis and evolution of the twin comics lines as they rose the ranks of their medium, and occasionally even teamed up, as in the 1976 crossover between Superman (DC) and Spider-Man (Marvel).

Slugfest will drop on April 6, 2020, around the same time as Quibi itself.

(Via THR)