‘Safety Not Guaranteed’ Writer Live-Tweeted The Movie, Answered An Important Aubrey Plaza Question

Safety Not Guaranteed was one of those surprisingly endearing movies for something based on a meme. It scored 91 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and was included on our list of 10 movies you should have seen in 2012. Inspired by a jocular classified ad asking for people to go on a dangerous time-traveling mission, in which safety could not be guaranteed because “I’ve only done this once before,” the movie starred Mark Duplass (The League) and Aubrey Plaza (Parks and Recreation) and was directed by Colin Trevorrow, who went on to direct Jurassic World.

This weekend, the writer of Safety Not Guaranteed, Derek Connolly, watched the movie and live-tweeted it. He cleared up so many questions we didn’t know we had, like how many times did Aubrey Plaza want a toilet to be cleaned before she’d stick her head in it (ten times) and how much alcohol was involved in the writing process (a lot, much like the writing process of this post). Check out our favorite tweets below. Thanks to Super Punch (and alcohol) for the assist.