Lana Del Rey Released A New Song And The Cover Art For ‘Honeymoon’

The release of Lana Del Rey’s upcoming album Honeymoon is growing increasingly closer, and the album is now available to be pre-ordered, so perhaps it is not surprising that she has dropped another song from the album for our listening pleasure. This particular song, the third we have heard so far, is called “Terrence Loves You.” Who’s Terrence? We don’t know, but fingers crossed it’s Terrence Stamp.

While the last song from Honeymoon we heard, “High by the Beach,” was a bit of a throwback to the hip-hop influences that seemed to be disappearing from her work, “Terrence Loves You” is back to the mournful dirge sound that has become her bread and butter. However, such songs play to Del Rey’s strengths, so there’s no real reason to complain.

The album artwork for Honeymoon has also been released. It features Del Rey in a Starline Tours cab, looking wistfully in the distance. She is wearing a floppy hat that was probably crafted and fussed over until it was floppy in just the perfect way to evoke existential ennui. Still, it’s a pretty cool album cover.

There’s also a 1-800 number on the cab that, rumor has it, will lead to an actual hotline for the album. Hey, if it’s good enough for They Might Be Giants, it’s good enough for Lana Del Rey. There’s also an alternate album cover that will only be available through Urban Outfitters, which, even for a Lana Dey Rey defender, is groan worthy. It’s also a less cool cover, so don’t knock yourself out trying to get it.

In the end, though, the main takeaway should probably be that this album is sounding pretty good so far. Of course, with Lana Del Rey, that’s never the main takeaway for most people.

(Via Pitchfork)