Ariana Grande Made A ‘Star Wars’ Short To Argue That Han Shot First

If you’re ever in a situation to invite Ariana Grande over to watch Star Wars, you better not try and play the “Special Edition” re-releases. The “Focus” singer just posted a short film in which she tells the (expanded) universe to miss her with that Greedo nonsense.

In the video by music video director Chris Marrs Piliero, Grande (as “Boun T. Hunter”) interrupts an argument over who shot first during that fateful day in the Mos Eisley Cantina. She lays her argument out, before ending the scene in a way that would make OG Han Solo proud.

“You’re both wrong. Han didn’t shoot first because Greedo never fired off a shot in the first place. Han shot, Greedo died, end of story.”

Grande shared the video on Twitter with the hashtag #whatspecialedition?

What do you say, guys? Can we forgive her for being an America-hating, donut-licker yet? She’s actually done a lot of awesome things this year.

Check out the video up top, and for more on the entire world going Star Wars crazy, check out the cool Spotify widget that determines which character you are based on your musical tastes. And then read up on the worst people on Earth, so you know who to avoid this Friday.

(Via SPIN)