Bully Punch Through A Brick Wall On The Blissfully Angry ‘Right’

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Most of the standout tracks from the Donald Trump protest-cum-singles series Our First 100 Days thus far have been pretty downbeat affairs. That’s understandable. It’s natural to get bummed out when you’re reminded that president is the type of person who tweets celebratory USAs like a drunk frat bro. But Nashville rockers Bully had a different idea in mind for their contribution “Right.” This song is the first bit of new material we’ve heard from the pop-punkers since 2015’s Feels Like and the wait for this two-and-a-half-minute venting of furious and blissful anger was more than worth it.

Prior to this track, the most cathartic moment in the young band’s discography was probably the ultimate shout of “I used to be a shark!” that closed out their single “Milkman.” But “Right” takes those few seconds and stretches them over the entire song, making the listener feel like they could punch through a brick wall (or at least several Nazis). Give it a listen up top and prepare yourself for their impending sophmore release.

The band tweeted out photos of themselves in-studio way back in February. If “Right” is any indication of what’s coming, then none of us are ready for how hard this album is going to rule.