Ryshon Jones – In Theory Mixtape

Everything sounds better in theory. When an idea is conceived, the legwork behind your concept – whatever it may be – hasn’t been hashed out and the envisioned potential seems limitless. Yet, when dreams meet reality, nothing’s ever simple as it seems. For his new In Theory mixtape, Ryshon Jones eloquently speaks on the hardships he’s faced since diving into Hip-Hop head on, delivering 15 introspective tracks about someone who spends their entire livelihood dedicated to a purpose and has no problem putting every damn one of his eggs into a single basket.

If you’ve heard the detailed poetics Jones’ delivered via his past projects Life In Reverse and Basqui, you’ll know his time isn’t being wasted. If not, let this mixtape and the corresponding documentary below be your light-switch into the mind of this Philly rhyme fanatic, which isn’t always a pretty place.

Try In Theory for free below. And if you like it, buy it here.

DownloadRyshon Jones – In Theory

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