A Cop Comes Over To You In The Woods…And Starts Jamming On The Drums

Usually when a police officer approaches you in the middle of the woods, they’re there to say, “I hope that’s not meth you’re cooking” or “Hey, you, stop having sex with that squirrel.” Been there, man. Been. There. But not every cop is as awesome as Officer Doug Sokoloski, a constable for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who came over to Shawn Salberg and his buddies in the woods not to give them a ticket, but to jam with them.

We were camping, when this cop (Doug Sokoloski) pulled into our campsite. We all assumed that we were in trouble, but really he just wanted to shred on the guitar and play the drums a bit. What a nice fella. The man on guitar is Mathieu Babin. (Via)

And it wasn’t even Hipster Cop! I fully expect Sokoloski to ditch his constable day job and hit the road with Canada’s finest, Crash Test Dummies, any day now.

And here’s his performance of “Smoke on the Water” on the guitar:

(Via Nerdcore)