Father John Misty Answered Fans’ Questions Instead Of An Encore And The Results Are Pretty Great

The unrepentant and cynical asshole that Josh Tillman plays when he gets on stage as Father John Misty has been a blast to watch for the last few years. Tillman knows this (and clearly enjoys inhabiting the character), so he regularly treats fans to a Q&A session during the encores of his sets.

With most artists, this would run the risk of being a self-serious bit that only the most hardcore of music nerds could love, but because of how Tillman operates (and the level to which his fans have bought into the persona), he comes across like a seasoned and incredibly jaded comic doing crowd work. Tillman has compiled some of his favorite questions and answers into a 16-minute supercut. Check it out up top to hear FJM talk about butt-play, explain how sex works, and tear into the very idea of encores.

For more on Father John Misty being a jerk, but you know like a funny one, check out his reasoning for jumping into the middle of the Taylor Swift/Ryan Adams media frenzy. And look out for him and his latest release I Love You Honeybear in the top half of our list of the Best Albums of 2015.

(Via Stereogum)