‘We’re Not Young’ Is The Realist’s Answer To Fun.’s ‘We Are Young’

We’ve been impressed by Yahoo!’s foray into weekly sketch comedy at SketchY and with the staying power of the song “We Are Young” by fun. feat. Janelle Monáe (a track still topping Billboard’s Hot 100). In Yahoo!’s parody of the song, “We’re Not Young,” Tommy Fields and Nikki Boyer sing about issues a little more true to life for the 30-something crowd than the fun. song’s insistence that they’ll set the world on fire and burn brighter than the sun. Us old fogeys would settle for health insurance and a good night’s sleep.

“Tonight, we’re not young,” Fields sings. “We’re all somewhere in our thirties, and nothing worthy. This ain’t fun.” The song covers numerous topics of interest/denial to those of us stuck between quarter-life and mid-life crises, including depression, DUIs, health concerns, underemployment, being broke, and wondering if this is really all there is.

It was written by Nate Smith, Nick Ross, and Tom Murphy and stars those three along with Tommy Fields, Nikki Boyer, Anne Gregory, Michael Hartney, Tara Copeland, and Sharmila Sahni. This was surprisingly funny for a song that kind of makes me want to eat a bullet.

(H/T: Gather)