Here Is The Most Internet-y Music Video You’ll Ever See

Okay, when I watched the video below, I honestly had no clue as to what the hell it was I was watching, but I was completely mesmerized the entire time. Was it a music video? I didn’t know. Was it a comprehensive history of the internet set to music? I had no f*cking idea! Thankfully, the Creator’s Project offered an explanation.

It’s not every day you get to see internet iconography of the 90s mixed with cursor key hands, wifi symbols and @ sign hats, all re-contextualized within a parallel universe that seems to resemble Giorgio de Chirico paintings. Fortunately for us all, today is that day, courtesy of Rachel Maclean and electro band Errors’, responsible for the music video above for the song “Pleasure Palaces”.


(HT: Mike Byhoff)