James Taylor Goes ‘In His Pants’ To Enhance His Hit Songs On ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’

James Taylor is a well-respected artist who, from what I gather, is a mature adult who takes a mature approach to many aspects of his life. Jimmy Kimmel is a successful host who, from what I gather, has none of that maturity. So, when Kimmel says he has a twist to selling Taylor’s music to the public, it shouldn’t have come as any surprise what the end result was.

And yet, here I am, surprised that James Taylor is singing his greatest hits and ending the choruses with the phrase “in my pants.” I’m not even so much shocked at the spectacle as much as the idea that so many of Taylor’s songs are set up for such chicanery. There’s also new meaning to take from these song titles. For instance, “Mexico in My Pants” might refer to an unfortunate time involving tacos. “Fire and Rain in My Pants” could be about a new burning sensation, possibly from having Carolina in his mind and his pants.

While I’m grateful that “Shower the People” remained unscathed, you have to wonder how that happened. If ever there was a chorus ripe for this sort of thing, it’s that one.

(Via Jimmy Kimmel Live)