Justin Bieber Helpfully Informs A Hat-Throwing Fan ‘I Probably Don’t Want That Sh*t’

Concerts are often very carefully orchestrated, right down to the banter and speeches between songs. The whole events are carefully choreographed and so any little unexpected tweak can really throw a monkey wrench into the words. This is tricky, because you never know what fans will do, especially when you are Justin Bieber and your fan base is pretty intense. Recently, Bieber became quite irked when a fan interrupted his momentum by throwing a hat on the stage.

Bieber was in Atlantic City on his Purpose tour, and he was in the middle of a speech about the entire ethos behind the tour. Then, right in the middle of it, a fan tried to gift him a hat by throwing it onstage, and Bieber was not pleased. “The reason why it’s called the Purpose tour is because I feel like everybody in this building has a purpose,” he began, before things took a turn, “And though it’s not often that you speak about what your purpose may be or your friend’s purpose…and if we could take this moment to listen and try not to give me a hat or whatever you’re trying to throw on stage right now because I probably don’t want that sh*t.”

After taking moment, Bieber regained his composure, saying, “Sorry, that was mean. But yeah, now I lost what I was going to say. I was deep into, like, a mode and a zone. I was – I was into it. Now I’m out of it. I’ll get it back. Just give me a second.” Bieber was, in fact, able to get back in the zone.

You can kind of understand why Bieber got annoyed, even by the seemingly kind gesture. You probably shouldn’t throw stuff on stage unprompted, especially when the performer is clearly in the middle of a prepared speech. Even if it is Justin Bieber.

(via Entertainment Weekly)