Justin Bieber Really Needs Everyone To Stop Touching His Shoes, Please

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Justin Bieber’s redemption tour has taken a delightful turn. Remember his younger days, when he was an enfant terrible who you didn’t know what to expect from? When he maybe spit on fans and raced cars and smirked through a deposition? That’s all gone now. As Bieber’s latest antics prove, he’s now less a (possibly) lovable cad and more a frustrated dad who doesn’t understand what all these kids are into these days. He walks out of interviews, shuts down shows when people won’t let him mop up the floor, forgets the words to his own Christmas songs, invites audiences to clap on the beat or STFU, and now he’s just asking for people to step away from his shoes because they were very expensive.

Cosmopolitan reports that the Biebster dropped by a nightclub in Miami last night to just do a couple of his jams for the fans but had to interrupt his show when the uncontrollable crowd wanted to touch him everywhere, but especially in the shoe. And you don’t touch a man in the shoe when those shoes are Yeezys. Just like you don’t touch a man in the hair when he’s going for a fashionably retro Kate Gosselin. Actually, I’m going to side with Bieber here: Just stop touching people. It’s not like their essence will rub off on you or anything. Trust me, I’ve tried, and no one was happy.

Here’s video of the incident, via TMZ

At least he’s polite! Nice shoutout to the shoes, by the way.