Mike Huckabee Thinks ‘Pimp’ Jay Z Is Exploiting Beyoncé As A Sex Object

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Beyoncé was desired by millions long before Jay Z came along. Literally the only things I remember about Austin Powers in Goldmember are Kevin Spacey as Dr. Evil in Austinpussy and that Beyoncé is mighty attractive and SO much better than this. But according to slut-shamer Mike Huckabee, Foxxy Cleopatra is being exploited by her husband Jay Z as a “sex object,” despite all #IndependentWomanPt1 evidence to the contrary.

“Beyonce is incredibly talented – gifted, in fact. She has an exceptional set of pipes and can actually sing,” Huckabee writes. “She is a terrific dancer – without the explicit moves best left for the privacy of her bedroom. Jay-Z is a very shrewd businessman, but I wonder: Does it occur to him that he is arguably crossing the line from husband to pimp by exploiting his wife as a sex object?” (Via)

Crafty move by Huckabee, phrasing his opinion as a question — it’s up for the reader to decide whether Jay’s pimping out Bey. I’ll play your game: no, he’s not. Problem solved!

Via Raw Story