This Little Boy’s Transformation Into Drake Is Uncanny

Drake doesn’t have any kids, but Magali Beauvue sure can make it look like he’s got a son.

Beauvue is a make-up artist and she recently uploaded a video to Instagram in which she takes a five-year-old named Dylan and transforms him into ‘Mini-Drake’ by working magic with her brushes. In Beauvue’s video, Dylan sits patiently through the process, which Beauvue says took an hour, as the makeup artist adds a beard and goatee, adapts his hair line a bit and, within a few strokes, makes the kid look like the “One Dance” rapper.

By the time Beauvue’s done, it’s remarkably eerie but definitely hilarious how uncannily little Dylan looks like a tiny, young-old version of the real kid Drake seen busting a move in the “HYFR” video. And that’s before he gets up to mimic Drizzy’s dance moves from the “Hotline Bling” video.

Obviously, little Dylan wouldn’t exactly pass the Maury test, but he could definitely cause Drake’s heart to skip a beat if the rapper got a text from an old flame with a snapshot of the kid along with the message “Remember that drunk and lovely night we shared in Cabo a few years ago?”

(Via Instagram)