Patti Smith Explained Why She Wrote A Song For The ‘Aqua Teen Hunger Force’ Finale

Although very little in the absurd Aqua Teen Hunger Force universe needs (or has) an explanation, it’s nice to learn why punk-rock royalty like Patti Smith would record a song (along with her children) for the show’s series finale.

In an interview with Pitchfork, Smith explained that she’s a longtime fan of the series and was excited to get involved.

“My son Jackson and I have watched cartoons together since he was born… Several years ago he called me from Detroit and said there was a new cartoon show I had to watch. I wasted no time and was instantly swept into the world of ATHF (“Aqua Teen Hunger Force”). First of all, I was raised in South Jersey not far where they live. I was excited about that. But within minutes I knew I was facing creations of true warped genius.”

Surprisingly enough, Smith thinks of herself as Frylock, the most mellow member of the animated trio.

“I guess I’m more like Frylock. Head in the clouds with a touch of the designated driver.”

Smith also said that writing the song gave her a “sense of closure” over the show ending after 13 seasons.

“I was already mourning that it was coming to an end, so writing a little song would provide some sense of closure. I wasn’t sure how it could be accomplished in a hotel room in Italy, but went about it in the Aqua Teen spirit. That is to say that nothing is too absurd in the world of ATHF.”

We all miss it, too, Patti.

(Via Pitchfork)