Ryan Adams Performed A Full Concert For Letterman’s Audience Last Night

Last night infamously moody and outrageously talented singer/songwriter Ryan Adams performed Lucky Now, the first single off of his new album, on Letterman and then stuck around after the taping to put on an hour-plus show for the audience as part of the show’s Live on Letterman series that’s streamed live over the web. Both performances were bare-boned — just Adams on stage with a couple of guitars, a harmonica, etc. — with no band backing him up. I’ve only been able to watch a few minutes of the whole thing but what I’ve watched so far has been beautiful.

And as far as I know, Adams doesn’t stomp off the stage in anger because someone in the crowd requested “Sunglasses At Night” at the end, so there’s that!

Both videos — one of Adams’ performance on the show and one of the concert he performed afterwards — are after the jump.
