Taylor Swift Said She Was ‘Terrified’ To Go On Tour After The Concert Bombings And Shootings In 2017

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In 2019, going to a concert is an act of bravery. Before events like the Manchester bombing of 2017, the huge, packed rooms and dark, smoky atmosphere was part of the magic of seeing your favorite acts perform live. Now the massiveness of a stadium or arena show can feel like a latent danger. But the show must go on — a few acts of violence can’t hold a candle to the towering joy of a concert venue, and, of course, fans still want to see their favorite artists perform.

But when that sense of danger is still there — and very real — what is a pop star to do? In a recent interview with Elle, Taylor Swift got honest about how anxious she was to go on her massive Reputation World Tour.

“After the Manchester Arena bombing and the Vegas concert shooting, I was completely terrified to go on tour this time because I didn’t know how we were going to keep 3 million fans safe over seven months. There was a tremendous amount of planning, expense, and effort put into keeping my fans safe,” Swift said.

Her concern for safety also extends into her personal life. Swift revealed that she carries army-strength QuikClot gauze with her every day, in case of a gunshot or stab wound. “Every day I try to remind myself of the good in the world, the love I’ve witnessed and the faith I have in humanity,” Swift said. “We have to live bravely in order to truly feel alive, and that means not being ruled by our greatest fears.”

The rest of the interview is equally insightful. Swift also shares her wisdom about bullying, body acceptance, evolving friendships, and more. Read the full interview here.