The Outlawz Confirm That They Smoked Tupac’s Ashes. Wait, WHAT?!

One of the most humorously fascinating things in the history of hip-hop are the endless conspiracy rumors that have swirled around the death of Tupac Shakur. Every year or so there seems to be another alleged Tupac sighting, and the proliferation of Photoshop has only made it that much easier to spark a new rumored sighting (as evidenced at right). I know a DJ in New Orleans who swears that Tupac is living out his days in a fishing camp on a Louisiana bayou and ventures into Nola every now and again for some food and an underground rap show or two. Like, he seriously believes that.

Conversely, there’s also been a slew of rumors about what became of Tupac’s remains, one of which being that the Outlawz, Tupac’s former band/posse, rolled up his ashes into a few fat blunts and smoked his remains. This, of course, seems preposterous, right? I mean, who would do such a thing?

Well, as it turns out, after all these years of letting the rumor float around out there, the group claims that they did indeed smoke Tupac’s remains in a beach memorial in which the fellas ate chicken wings and drank orange pop, just as Tupac would have wanted it.

“If you listen to ‘Black Jesus,’ he said, ‘Last wishes, niggas smoke my ashes.’ That was a request that he had. Now, how serious he was about it? We took it serious,” E.D.I. Mean said in an interview with VladTV. “We twisted up some of that great-grandaddy California kush and mixed the big homie with it, so you know, he’s flowin’ through our system.”

Oh my! How, um, sweet? Disgusting? Insane? Endearing?

Here’s the full interview…


(HT: AV Club)