J. Cole Calls For An NFL Boycott In A Poignant Twitter Rant

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J. Cole has never been one to hold his tongue when it comes to social issues, and in a return to Twitter Cole was at it again, this time speaking on the current state of affairs with the country and the NFL and calling for an all out boycott of the league from his fans. As a long-time supporter of Colin Kaepernick, it should come as no surprise that Cole is supporting Kaep and every other player taking a knee and protesting during he national anthem, but Cole takes it a step further in turning to the fans to make a difference as well in a lengthy Twitter thread.

Maybe it was Donald Trump’s recent comments about protesting players that got Cole to speak on the situation, or maybe it was just a coincidence but the timing is perfect. But first, Cole had to figure out how to make a Twitter thread.

Then he took the time to send a short message to the one and only Cardi B, telling her “I seen your breakfast club interview, loved it. Don’t put all that pressure on your album. You already won. Just drop & repeat.”

Then Cole posted over 20 tweets, detailing how fans can make a difference by boycotting the NFL, and just how they can boycott and why he personally decided to do so. “It was hard during preseason and the first week. But then I was like, wait, is it actually hard?” he said in one tweet. “Some of us got grandparents that walked miles to work instead of riding bus, just to show the bus companies that they won’t tolerate racism,” he added in another. “So when I think about it like that it’s very easy on Sunday to say, ‘Nope, I’m straight.'”

Check out Cole’s entire Twitter thread below.