As Expected, Buddy Cole And ‘The Colbert Report’ Pissed Off The Police In Sochi

When The Colbert Report first introduced Scott Thompson as his classic Kids in the Hall character Buddy Cole, I thought, “This is going to be absolutely fantastic,” thinking that he would be dropped into Sochi and ready to stick it to Russia over the anti-gay laws. After a few appearances, it seemed that he’d just be playing it safe by interviewing American athletes and making general jokes about Vladimir Putin’s hatred of the gays, and the eerie “We’re not allowed to talk about this” attitude of Russian citizens. But that all changed last night.

In another special edition of The Sport Report, Buddy went to check out the so-called “Protest Zone” of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, after he took a quick tour of the city to see if he could find any sign of gay people, naturally. After all, Sochi’s mayor made the bold claim that there were absolutely no gay people in Sochi right now, and Buddy (and many other people) couldn’t believe that. But the real fun begins once he finds the protest zone and quickly learns why it’s empty.