The Duggar Family Wants Tim Tebow To Make An Honest Woman Out Of Jana

Having trouble finding love this holiday season? Maybe you should give it all up to a higher power (i.e. the Duggars) and let fate find you a soul mate. At least, that’s the plan the Duggars of 19 Kids & Counting fame have for daughter Jana.

Who’s the pick? According to Radar Online, it’s supposedly none other than God’s football player, Tim Tebow. He’s taken a knee on the football field, now he’ll do it for Jim Bob. (Just in case you didn’t know, that Mr. Duggar’s actual name.)

Jana’s dad Jim Bob has his sights set on NFL player Tim Tebow for Jana’s lucky match. And he and Michelle have already had secret meetings in Arkansas with Tebow’s mom!

“Jim Bob is no dummy….Tim would be a perfect addition to the family and a feather in his cap. Can you imagine the press attention a Tim-Jana wedding would get?”

Yes, yes I can. Not only that, but I can make said attention come to life by writing about this most holier-than-thou potential union in this blog post. Isn’t technology wonderful?

Maybe with all this God talk, Jim Bob and the gang can help revive Tebow’s bustling career as a free agent NFL quarterback.

Source: Radar Online