The Red Sox Are Inexplicably Having A ‘Star Trek’ Night

Being a Trekkie and living in Boston, I can safely inform you that aside from Cardinals fans, there are no two fan bases in America more insufferably entitled. And now, for some reason, the two are combining, complete with a custom foam finger.

Well, all right, I can figure it out on a practical level: Disruptor Beam, a local mobile developer, is putting out a mobile strategy game called Star Trek Timelines, and apparently Paramount really wants Red Sox fans to play it… because, uh, Leonard Nimoy was born and raised here? That’s a pretty strong connection, but it’s not like Nimoy’s past came up very often on the show, fascinating as it happens to be.

But I live here, I have fought the Kenmore zombies to get at the Green Line, and frankly, I’m not really sure how much Southies and middle managers from Connecticut suburbs who will get drunk and try to pick a fight with the five Rays fans who show up care about Star Trek. Even with baseball being the sport of nerds in a city so full of nerds that it’s got a company building Terminators on its outskirts, it’s hard to see the audience crossover. But who knows? Maybe it’ll open up new vistas and Red Sox fans will explore strange new worlds. Or more likely they’ll all name their starship the Pedroia.

(via io9)