Chris Kluwe is no stranger to going up against the NFL on issues of ethics and their absurd behavior in the name of “protecting the shield.” As has been well documented, Kluwe previously alleged that he was released by the Minnesota Vikings for supporting marriage equality. Since that issue was resolved (or not resolved, depending on how you look at it) Kluwe has remained outspoken about the NFL’s various missteps and hasn’t backed down from speaking his mind when he feels it is necessary. A former player vocalizing concerns about the league’s behavior and shadiness is rare. Even more rare is that he hasn’t noticeably reeled in his opinions the farther away he gets from league employment.
After photos were released on Friday of the many bruises on Greg Hardy’s ex-girlfriend Nicole Holder’s body after the alleged domestic violence incident in May 2014, Kluwe had had enough of the league tip-toeing around the fact that Hardy is still employed by any of its 32 teams. He tweeted out a string of frustrations, culminating in one that included the number for the Dallas Cowboys’ PR Department – which is not usually available to fans.
It may be just a string of tweets, but at least Kluwe is doing something about making fans aware of how awful the NFL is and supplying one way to let Goodell, Jones, and the rest of the league know how they feel. The Cowboys’ PR Department might not be too happy about having to field dozens or even hundreds of calls over the next few days though.
(Via CBS Sports)