Eddie Lacy Spent Years On Twitter Talking About Food, And It’s Kind Of Wonderful


One of the highlights of Saturday night’s game between the Packers and Cardinals was an Eddie Lacy run, one that took nearly 12 seconds to complete and covered 62 yards. It was the second longest run in Green Bay playoff history and the longest of Eddie Lacy’s career. And it took forever. At one point it looked like Lacy ran out of gas, only to rumble for 20 more yards through the shocked Arizona secondary.

It was slow, it was deliberate, it was beautiful football by a player who looks more like a offensive lineman day by day.

Unsurprisingly, the Internet had jokes for Eddie Lacy, who is listed at 5’11, 234 pounds which, come on, that’s not true. I mean, it doesn’t matter how much he weighs so long as he’s good at what he does. But no, he does not weigh 234 lbs. No sir.

Anyway, one astute observer, @recordsandradio, noted that Lacy likes to talk about food on his Twitter account. A lot. Like more than any other person on the Internet. And he began retweeting some of those gems.

What kind of food does Eddie Lacy prefer? “China food” of course.

Eddie Lacy is a great human, we should all strive to be as entertaining as this man on Twitter.