John Oliver Brilliantly Trolled The Elitist Yankees By Offering 25 Cent Tickets

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver usually finds itself going on the offensive against politicians and corporations, but on Sunday night’s show, it went after an entity far more insidious — the New York Yankees.

Baseball’s most historic ballclub is also its most pompous, as it sells insanely expensive seats to what they call the “Legends Club,” which is that area behind home plate and along the baselines that is almost always devoid of fans during the season. To make matters worse or funnier, depending on your perspective, the Yankees started a new policy this season that doesn’t allow fans to print tickets at home, which is an indirect way of keeping poor losers out of the rich people seats.

Oliver was having none of it.

“Rich people couldn’t bear to sit next to people who aren’t as rich, which would be offensive if you were talking about the opera, much less a sport whose primary fashion statement is the goatee. And that’s why the Yankees make sure nobody gets into their premium seating who doesn’t belong there.”

What makes Oliver special is not only does he point out problems, but he has solutions.

Oliver is offering two tickets in that premium seating area for each of the Yankees’ first three games this season, although Monday’s opener has been postponed due to rain. He is selling them for 25 cents each on the condition that the purchasers must dress like trash. Tweet a photo of your potential outfit with the hashtag #IHaveNeverSatInAPremiumLocation and you could win.

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