NBA Not Playoffs News: Dwight Howard Lost A Free-Throw Contest To A Housewife

Tonight is Game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals between the defending NBA champion Miami Heat and Indiana Pacers, which means Dwight Howard is sitting at home on his couch eating Cheetos, Twitter searching “Dwight Howard Kobe Bryant” and angrily refreshing his phone.

Howard’s run in/disappointing departure from the Orlando Magic was covered at length by our in-house Magic fan Ashley Burns, and a psychologically damaging season with the Los Angeles Lakers left him with not much to do besides get scared by inflatables, get slimed at the Kid’s Choice Awards and booty dance with He also lost a shooting contest to a hockey mascot. Not even a BASKETBALL mascot.

It’s in the spirit of that last link that we give you DWIGHT HOWARD LOSING A FREE-THROW COMPETITION TO A HOUSEWIFE. It’s got everything you expect from Dwight Howard in 2013: missed shots, tons of excuses and a loss. Enjoy!

In all seriousness, the contest was set up as a charity thing through the LA Times, so hey, it’s all in good fun.

Also in all seriousness:

According to Simers, Howard did eventually beat Nielson, but it took him nearly two hours to do so. (via Gamedayr)

Love you forever, Dwight.