WHO CAT: Someone Brought A Cat To The Saints Game Thursday Night, Blowing Everyone’s Mind

ATTENTION: SOMEONE BROUGHT A DAMN CAT TO AN NFL GAME (INSIDE A DOME!). Nothing makes sense any more. It was Thursday night’s contest between the Saints and the Falcons, more specifically, which meant that the Superdome was rocking. You know how when ballparks do those promotions wherein they invite dogs? Don’t you always think, “Those are super well-behaved dogs?” Well, I don’t quite know how to put this, but cats aren’t as well-behaved as dogs. And this was not a summer doldrums baseball game. This place was LIT, and in the middle of it is a friggin’ cat.

Also, that is a black and gold cat. At a Saints game. From the land of Who Dat, it’s WHO CAT, ladies and gentlemen. WHO CAT is here, but WHO CAT does not want to be here. Look at its face! And for those appropriately wondering how someone managed to get a live animal into an NFL game, we may have our answer, but it simply raises more questions.


A cat as a service animal? What service is that? Disapproval? Lying down just out of arm’s reach? And I love that he mentioned the cat was “freaked out.” Of course it is. It’s a damn cat among 76,000 screaming people, when ONE screaming person freaks a cat out. How did this person ever think he could get through a three-hour football game with a cat? WHO CAT and its owner are surely one of the greatest mysteries of our time.

And of course, the Saints won a crucial game against their hated rivals, so you know what that means.