Someone Started An Amazing Twitter Thread Comparing Popular Sneakers To The Birds That Look Like Them


Sometimes Twitter can feel like a wasteland. Whether it’s people saying “Old Town Road” actually isn’t a good song or newscasters awkwardly appropriating popular rap dances, it can feel like the best option on any given day is to simply log off and take a break from posting mediocre memes. But then you stumble upon a magical Twitter thread and you realize it’s all been worth it.

A Twitter user going by the handle @ReaderMeter put together an 11-part thread in which he takes a popular basketball sneaker, both from the past and modern day, and compares them side-by-side to various birds than look uncannily like said sneaker. From the black and yellow 1999 Nike Dunk High “Wu Tang” looking just like a Townsend Warbler to the Air Jordan 1 “Black Toe” resembling a Hairy Woodpecker, this guy’s combined knowledge of both sneakers and birds is the content we didn’t know we needed, but we’re glad it’s here.

Our personal favorite is probably the immensely popular and highly coveted “South Beach” LeBron 8 and its counterpart, the Green Honeycreeper, which is by far the best bird name on the entire planet. The entire thread is worth a read, as are the replies, in which people have taken on the task of comparing sneakers not on the list to other birds themselves.

Sometimes the Internet is good. For sneakerheads, at least.