Warning: This Video Might Make You Like The New York Knicks

It is pretty easy to hate

1. The New York Knicks

2. Justin Bieber

3. Hipster children

4. Precocious novelty kid interviews that aren’t Wonder Showzen’s Beat Kids

… but somehow when you put them all together, you get this adorable video of ‘Knicks Kid Reporters’ Ryan and Jaylah asking the team the most unnecessary questions of all time (like “how do you spell super-fradja-cadja-listic”) and eventually singing Justin Bieber’s “Baby”. There’s something really reassuring about getting to see Sports Guys act like regular people in a way other than “hey MTV, step in here and look at my bed, it has tank treads”, and Wayfarers and mohawks aside, it’s reassuring to see kids being kids on the Internet without hurting themselves, crying about something stupid or lip-syncing Nicki Minaj songs.

I just realized I’m wearing pajama pants and a Tennessee Smokies t-shirt. That six-year old is crushing me. Ah well, at least there isn’t a video on every sports blog of me singing “Baby”.

[h/t Sportress of Blogitude by way of The Basketball Jones]