Will Ferrell Got His Own Baseball Hall Of Fame Plaque For ‘Ferrell Takes The Field’

Los Angeles Dodgers v San Diego Padres
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It was way back in March that Will Ferrell took over MLB’s Spring Training, playing 10 positions for 10 teams in the Cactus League to raise money for cancer awareness and film his HBO documentary, Ferrell Takes The Field.

Other than a teaser trailer for the documentary hitting the web, we haven’t seen or heard much about Ferrell’s one-day baseball career since it happened. Until now.

Ferrell was a guest of honor at Petco Park after the Padres-Dodgers game on Saturday and was presented with his own Baseball Hall of Fame plaque. The honorary memento commemorated Ferrell’s feat of becoming the first player to ever play all 10 positions in one day, and it was presented to him by HOF president Jeff Idelson.

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In addition to the ceremony, Ferrell also premiered his documentary on the jumbotron for fans in attendance. Ferrell Takes The Field will air on HBO on Saturday, September 12.

(Via Bleacher Report)