An Ugly Fight Broke Out At This French Women’s Soccer Match

Soccer is no stranger to fights, whether it’s between two players (or two entire teams), or in the stands among fans. The latest fight caught on tape took place recently between two French women’s second division teams, Bordeaux and Rouen. According to the video’s description on YouTube, the fight broke out at roughly the 67th minute when one player began throwing punches. Officials and teammates from both sides attempted to break up the fight, but not before both players landed a couple of nasty punches.

What caused the fight — if it was spontaneous or it was brewing over the course of the match — is unknown, but this was obviously more than an exchange of words and maybe a few shoves. And in a tight game, emotions can run high. This was an intended butt whooping from both sides. Those types of scuffles can be scary, not just for the player’s well-being, but those around them. Other players or officials can get hurt trying to break things up or the fight can escalate. Thankfully, it seems like this one was broken up before it got too big. Still, that’s some shocking footage of some major punches being landed.

The two teams would go on to draw 3-3.